
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Count-down is over... I'm here!

Hello everyone,
for all of you who don't know yet, well, I'm here!!! As of today I'm a week old (born on May 13th), and I'm so happy to finally have met Mom, Dad, Abue and some of their friends... I also met Shaggy and Scobby who are my "dog" siblings.. they have been very nice to me... they tickle me when they smell my feet, and Scooby particularly likes how they taste..
I 'm loving been out here.. Mommy feeds me really good, Daddy holds me and kisses me all the time, and Abue sings to me when I"m with here... what a life!
So far, I've just had some uncomfortable nights, but they say that I'm a really good baby... (of course I think so too).
I want to share some of my pictures... and I will be updating this more often I promise..
love you all,

Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's been a month...

Hello everyone,
It's been a month since the last time I posted something on my blog... So much has happened, and also I'm almost ready to arrive and meet you all.
Mommy has been getting the Braxton Hicks very often now, not very strong or painful or even close together... She gets tired more easily, and has swollen feet and legs every day... Dr. Edes has monitored my heart, and it's strong and healthy... and also the sonograms have shown my head already in position.. I'm heading south people!!!!
My Abuelita Guille has been here for a week now, and she has been very helpful to Mommy... They did laundry of most of the clothes that I'll be wearing for the next weeks...  They packed my bag and selected my "coming home" outfit, and organized all the drawers with my clothes.... 
I keep hearing them saying "We're ready Beck, come out!!"... but to be honest it's so cozy in here that I want to stay a little longer... I won't tell you when I'll be born, I have to keep it as a surprise, but I can tell you I'll meet you soon!

Until next time,


Friday, March 27, 2009

Mommy & Daddy are getting ready...


I'm here to give you an update of what's been going on during the last couple of weeks...

Mommy has been to the doctor twice already since the last message I posted... Both times the doctor did the "non-stress" test that basically monitors my heart... Doctor says heart beat is normal and strong... Also, he mentioned that I'm starting to get in position (facing down) which apparently is called lightning and can cause mild discomfort/pain to Mommy... She's going to see Dr. Edes once a week now, for the next few weeks, just to make sure everything is going accordingly...

Last week Mommy & Daddy went to a big store to get some stuff for me.. I guess they bought a crib, and changing table and a playpen, stroller, car seat... and all the things they'll be needing to make me comfortable... THANK YOU!!

Yesterday, they had a very nice lady come to their house to teach them all about birth & labor... They watched some videos and talk to her about breathing, labor positions, comforting techniques and they did some exercises as well... They were very happy they took the class, and mentioned that they felt a little better about the whole process...

Mommy is thinking about taking an Infant's CPR class.. which they recommend when having a baby at home...

Until next time,

love you,

Thursday, March 12, 2009

So much has happened!!

I haven't written anything for a while, so get comfy because this is going to be a long one!
On March 7th, Mommy had her Baby Shower... My Grandma Guille and my Auntie Brenda helped prepare all the food and made sure this event was a success... Auntie Tracy brought a delicious carrot cake, it was a hit... Lots of very nice ladies came, played games, ate good food and overall had a great time... They are all Mommy's and Daddy's friends and brought really nice gifts for me... THANK YOU!! I can't wait to wear all those cute outfits and to play with my toys, or sit on my bouncer and swing!!!
On Tuesday March 10th, Mommy went visit the doctor.
They checked my heart beat for the first time, so they put a belt on Mommy's tummy and printed a piece of paper with some funny lines on it... Doctor said that my heart beat is normal and healthy...

Also, her Dr. did an ultrasound to see me... even though I didn't showed my face, they were able to see my brain, spine, heart and even my private parts... mmmm, I'm not letting Mommy show you those pictures... From now on Mommy has to go to see the doctor once a week just to make sure that there's enough amniotic fluid around me and that I'm going the right direction... (my head is already down)...

Mommy and Grandma already started organizing my closet... I can't believe all those cute outfits are mine!! I hope they all fit... Daddy is getting the crib in the next few days and I'm sure they'll start setting up my room... although I'll be sleeping in their room for the first few months...

So, apparently there's still so much for them to do... In two weeks they have the "birth class" and will take a tour of the hospital...
and let the countdown begin....
'til next time,

Saturday, February 21, 2009

You won't see a picture of me until.....

So much has happened since the last time I wrote. Let me give you and update:

Mommy's hip it's a lot better now, sometimes it hurts a little but pain is manageable and at least she can walk... Her back has been bothering her too, however she told me that this happens to all Mommy's that are "Preggo"; she's mostly uncomfortable at night-time when we're sleeping... The good news is that she went to get a massage; I even felt it (I'm going to get one of those when I grow up)... Mommy was sooooo relaxed, she felt really good afterwards...

Mommy and Daddy went to the doctor's office the other day.... They saw my head, my heart, my spine, my leg and also my butt... But couldn't see my face.. so you probably won't get to see me until the day I'm born... sorry, but I really want you to be suprised!!...

I've been in mommy's tummy for almost 29 weeks.. I'm not going to lie to you, it's very cozy, but at the same time it's getting smaller and smaller in here, so I have been moving a lot trying to get comfortable and by doing so I'm kicking my Mommy's ribs, and bladder and all those other things surrounding me....

I want to thank all of you, on behalf of Mommy and Daddy for the gifts you have sent to us... I can't wait to play with my toys and wear all the clothes you've sent for me..... Thank you!!

until next time,


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Cheer up Mommy!

My Mommy's hip has been bothering her, and I feel really bad because I can't do anything for her... So I'm just trying to cheer her up, I tickle her belly from the inside, and once I hear she starts laughing then I stop...

I cannot believe how fast time goes by, in about 94 days I'll meet Mommy and Daddy (and everyone else of course)... I'm so excited!

I'll try to pose for the next "photo shoot" so everyone can see how big (and cute) I am now.

so until then,


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Changes on my website

Nothing is set in stone.. We told you there would be changes so here they are...
Mommy and Daddy thought it would be cool to incorporate the pictures into my blog instead of having a separate photo page... I think its a good idea..

So these are Mommy's Pregnancy pictures.... no, she's not fat... its just me expanding inside of her!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My big performance...

I have to tell you that since the last "picture" fiasco, I'd decided that I would actually do something cool for Mommy and Daddy, so I have been rehearsing a lot... day and night... So, today was the big day for my big performance... Mommy got to the doctor, and I start warming up, jumping up and down for like 10 minutes straight, like never before... but it just took so long (over an hour) and then I decided I was too tired to do anything.. so once again, at picture time I was asleep, and did not show my face.. However, Mommy got to see my strong heart and my perfectly defined spine...
At this point I've been in here for 24 weeks, I'm getting used to all these funny sounds.. I can hear Mommy and Daddy talking, and my favorite thing to do is kick Daddy's hand when he puts it on Mommy's belly...

I'll keep you posted with more next time,


Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm camera shy... like Daddy!

Hi everyone,
Today Mommy & Daddy went to the doctor for my second official "photo shoot" or like fancy doctors call it: "Ultrasound".
I think I was not in the mood to be seen, since I just kept moving away from the "camera". At one point the doctor notice that I had my arms covering my face.. (Well, I'm sorry but it's not very nice to be woken up, don't you agree with me?) They were only able to take a picture of my leg.

Anyway, I guess I'll be camera shy like my daddy... so Mom, you better put your camera away!
At 22 weeks my weight is 1lb and 4oz... and all my organs are fully developed and working properly.

I'll give you another update soon!


Monday, January 5, 2009

A note for me

I'd love if you leave me a little note, so don't be shy and add a comment. I can't wait to read them all.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

My first Blog!

Well, here I am writing my first blog...
I have been very busy inside mommy's belly. She now can feel when I move or kick (which means I'm awake), and I have been doing it every 3 to 4 hours... I'll pretty much keep this same schedule once I'm born...

Isn't my website cool!!! Daddy is the best, I can't wait to see it change every time I do something exciting... so keep visiting often 'cause it will be changing a lot!!

I weight about a pound now, and I'll be as twice as heavy by the time this month is over..

luv u,